We have a desire to help those God is calling to minister overseas. If you are a former missionary and find the Lord calling you back into ministry, or you are a mature Christian and feel the Lord wants you to minister overseas for the first time, check out our candidate form and take the next step in seeing if God is leading you overseas in your obedience to Christ. We will help you as the Lord leads. We have a counseling and fellowship period that we see as a standard need in getting to know each other; we also will need references from you and take time to follow them up.

Our desire at T.S.H.I. is to help those that are burdened to go and serve long-term or short-term in overseas Missions. We have two areas of work we focus on so you can choose the best place to help. We offer work projects that are generally short-term, in support of established missions work, and we offer placement opportunities for those that feel called to full-time missions work. We will ask you to fill out our information sheet to see where you fit in. If you are considering full-time missions work, we will talk with your church, Pastor and elders and work together to send you out with confidence. If you feel called to support missions in a short-term way, let us know how you can help and we will help direct you to where you are needed and help get you there. We feel that the local church is the best provider and helper that a missionary can have. We will work with your church or churches as they send you out. We set no time table for this. If you have never been on a mission field or are a returning missionary, our program for fellowship and getting to know each other is the same.

We understand that the Lord does not always use today’s standard missions organizations to send His laborers out. We know there are many legitimate reasons for leaving the field. Personal conviction in ministry may change as you labor in God’s field, which may lead you outside of your original missions view and philosophy. You may need to take time out for family. There may be sickness, money issues, etc. If so, sometimes in those situations, a change is needed, and we feel the Lord has given us an understanding of these unique issues and want to help those people that feel the Lord still wants them out and ministering in His fields.

Are you interested?

If you are an interested Christian and hold to our Statement of Faith, feeling the Lord’s call, there is no reason we should not help you in your next step in serving the Lord. Our process for volunteers is thorough and meant to encourage and help direct you to your ministry in fellowship with your church.

Sort Term Missions

We offer an eye-opening opportunity for those who opt to participate in our short-term missions program. We consider short-term missions to be anywhere from 2 weeks to 1 year in length. We offer an interactive experience for those that come on one of our trips. We will live in a village and let you get to know the indigenous people that we are working with. We will give you classes in Buddhism and Animism, which are the main religions in the Southeast Asian area.

T.S.H.I. sees the benefit in sponsoring short-term mission trips for groups and individuals. We consider a short-term missions trip to be 1 year or less, but at least 2 weeks, in length. We consider these short-term visits very valuable for the work of missions. Not only will a trip impact you as an individual, but it is very likely that your church will also be energized more for missions. If you are a person that is interested in missions for a short-term period, whether by helping directly in ministry or desiring to give a hand in other practical ways, such as heading a building project, teaching English, teaching a baking class, helping in kid’s programs and social relief programs, we can find a place for you to help. You will need to fill out our personal information form and take part in our fellowship time. We will contact your church and work with them in helping you go and serve as you feel led.

We also offer translation classes that will give you insight into the theory of language acquisition and how that practically works in field language study. We will teach about missions history, which will help you understand missions and how God uses missions to get His good news to the world.

Short-term missions is a great way for you and your home church to get excited about world missions. Pray and see where the Lord will lead. We at T.S.H.I. will spend time and try answering all your questions , and help you and your church understand the commitment and fellowship needed to work together to send you out to God’s fields.

Please do feel free to contact us about any of these things.